The new year always comes with so many expectations. It forces people to make goals to improve themselves and their lives. And if they don't achieve these goals, there is a sense of failure. I know for me personally, I make a list every year. Not for anyone but myself. The list tends to go something like this:
1. Work-out 4-5 times/week.
2. Accomplish 10 things on my bucket list.
3. Eat healthier.
4. Be more spontaneous.
5. Read my bible every day.
Now, these things aren't bad things to strive towards. But most aren't attainable in my everyday life. I get busy. I forget to read my Bible sometimes. I shovel Chick-fil-A down my throat weekly. I don't make time to work out and I don't really like being spontaneous. So why should you try and be something you aren't?
In my opinion, the whole "New year, new me" thing doesn't make much sense. You are who you are. Just because the date changes, doesn't mean you will. Now don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with trying to improve yourself. In fact, that's what I strive to do daily. I want to be a better version of myself.
Take the pressure off of yourself. Don't give into the expectations of this world. Do what you want to do. Make this your year and live it the way you want. Don't have expectations or do. Change something about yourself or don't. Make this YOUR year.
These are some things I strive towards everyday, not just for 2014:
Make way for the new.
Surround yourself with positive people.
Take time for yourself.
Follow your arrow.
Constantly challenge yourself.
Don't stress the could haves, would haves, or should haves.
Be brave.
Read and learn.
Find joy in the ordinary.
Let your past make you better, not bitter.
Start each day with a grateful heart.
Be adventurous.
Wherever you are, be all there.
Think less, live more.
Forget the rules....if you like it, wear it.
Do small things with great love.
Believe in yourself and all that you are.
Dance even if you don't think you're good.
Pray without ceasing.
Find beauty in everything.
Focus on how you feel, not how much is on the scale.
Take risks.
Collect moments, not things.
Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude and a lady with class.
Follow your heart but take your brain with you.
Don't find your worth in others, find it in Christ.
So many awesome things happened for me in 2013. I joined the best sorority on campus and gained 80+ sisters. I finished out my freshman year and moved out of a dorm that became my home. I became best friends with my hallmates. I spent time with my family. I finally picked a major. I celebrate my nineteenth birthday. I went to the best concerts ever. I spent way too much time on social media. I learned a lot about myself. And I grew up. I can't wait to see what this year holds as I try to live and believe this:
"I am the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ. I prosper in everything I lay my hand to. I have gifts and talents, and God is using me. I operate in the fruit of the Spirit. I walk in love. Joy flows through me."
-from Joyce Meyer's "The Confident Woman"
be hard.stay often.stay loyal.keep when possible. never stop thankful.always love.
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